MNWG Cadets
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Training Officer Resources

Yay, you're a Training Officer!  Now what?  (Haven't signed up yet?  Apply for senior staff!)  

Forms and Downloads

Medical Training

We don't expect our Training Officers to be licensed medical professionals.  

Prevention is always the first step.  Our hope is to provide enough quality training to our Training Officers that they'll be able to prevent any serious injuries from occurring to students.  One simple tip as a Training Officer is to ensure that you review each of your cadets' medical report when they arrive at Encampment.  


DO NOT CALL 911 on Camp Ripley. 

      When in cantonment (barracks area, PT field, drill pad, classrooms), call Ripley Security at 320-632-7375.  When on the range, call Range Control at 320-616-3137


Basic Emergency Procedures

  1. Identify the problem

  2. Immobilize injured individual

  3. Call for help (radio/phone/runner)

  4. Provide immediate FIRST AID

  5. Provide care to your level of training

Blister Checks

One of your responsibilities as a Training Officer is to do nightly blister checks, where you will check your students' feet for blisters, and check up on how they're doing.

  1. Find a place away from others

  2. Check for blisters.  If broken, refer to medical officer

  3. Discuss how things are going

  4. Provide any mail the cadet may have been sent

  5. Get them back in flight

  6. Document for your reference

Heat Stress

Heat stress can happen more quickly than you think!  On a hot summer day in the sun, it may not take long.

Best Practices

  1. Drink 6-8 Qts of water per day (that's about a quart every hour!).  Frequent sipping is best.

  2. Urine should be almost clear

  3. Wear loose fitting clothes

  4. Don't overexert; take frequent breaks

  5. Use sunscreen or sleeves down

  6. Watch others for heat stress!  Use a buddy system to monitor each other for symptoms AND WATER INTAKE

Heat Cramps

Cramps are often the first sign of heat stress, although sometimes your body will skip heat cramps and move to a more serious level of heat stress.  Symptoms generally include severe muscle cramps in legs or abdomen, general weakness, and sometimes dizziness or fainting.

To treat heat cramps, move to a cool shady place and drink salted water or Gatorade.  Massage the cramped area and apply pressure to cramps if it doesn't increase pain.  Apply moist towels to forehead and cramped areas, and contact the Medical Officer.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a more serious level of heat stress. Symptoms include:

  1. Rapid, shallow breathing

  2. Weak pulse

  3. Cold and clammy skin

  4. Heavy perspiration

  5. Weakness and dizziness that may lead to unconsciousness 

To treat heat exhaustion:

  1. Move to a cool, shady place and rest (indoors?)

  2. Remove enough clothing to cool (not chill) patient

  3. Fan skin to evaporate sweat

  4. If conscious, provide salted water or Gatorade

  5. Treat for shock

  6. Contact Medical Officer ASAP

Heat Stroke



  1. Deep breathing becoming progressively shallower

  2. Rapid strong pulse becoming weaker

  3. Dry, hot skin, dilated pupils

  4. Possible unconsciousness, seizures, muscular twitching

Treatment for Heat Stroke

  1. Cool as rapidly as possible

  2. If possible, immerse patient in cool water or use cold wet towels or ice packs in armpits, groin, under neck, and behind knees.

  3. Activate Emergency Medical System: When in cantonment (barracks area, PT field, drill pad, classrooms), call Ripley Security at 320-632-7375.  When on the range, call Range Control at 320-616-3137

  4. Call the Medical Officer


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